Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Calorie restriction - or just a fancy name for another eating disorder

Check this out from Britain:
Can the world's most extreme diet really help you live to 120? Wheat, sugar, dairy, meat are ALL banned - so is tap water

"... the pretty public relations executive, from South-East London is particularly strict - she limits herself to no more than 800-1,200 calories a day.
That's at least 800 fewer calories than nutritionists recommend.

"'I have to admit the thought of getting pregnant absolutely terrifies me,' she admits. 'I wouldn't be able to restrict my calories for my baby's sake and I hate the thought of losing control.'

"Health experts warn that Persephone's diet might not be nearly as healthy as she thinks. One of the leading researchers in this field is Dr Dianne Ford from the Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Newcastle.

"She says: 'There is research which shows that, in animals, calorie restriction does seem to slow the ageing process.

"'But it can also lead to starvation and malnutrition. I would not recommend CR and would say that it is not safe. To achieve CR and ensure you are taking optimum levels of micronutrients is very difficult. Followers are likely to suffer from deficiencies.'"

Read the whole story at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1274096/Worlds-extreme-120-diet-Can-really-make-live-longer.html#ixzz0neGPMkaF

Now, personally, I think that the concept here is a good one - eat less and eat natural - but it seems like the people discussed in this story are fanatical and carry their calorie restriction to a level approaching some sort of extreme religion. Still, I am going to reserve judgment on this one for now. But I do want to hear what you think. Leave a comment.

Stick Thin

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